As part of a multi-year contract, our team was engaged to conduct a study to determine the load-bearing capacity of Runway 15-33 and its connecting taxiways. We provided maintenance and rehabilitation recommendations for a 20-year period and obtained federal funding for construction, coordinating seamlessly with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Louisiana Department of Transportation (LaDOTD).
We teamed with consultants to perform non-destructive and heavy weight deflection testing to simulate and determine in-situ soil conditions. We also determined the airport’s load-bearing capacity and assigned it pavement classification number (PCN) values, which help to justify future pavement projects and identify potential problem areas to prioritize in the airport’s capital improvement program. Based on projected aircraft operations and the calculated PCN, we developed a plan to address observed pavement deficiencies. The project included replacing the existing joint sealant material; removing and replacing distressed, isolated concrete panels; and a full reconstruction of a portion of the runway.
We coordinated with the FAA/LaDOTD to transform the parallel taxiway into a temporary runway during construction, shortening overall construction time, and provided cost-savings by salvaging reusable concrete at the project site.
Other Projects with Aviation Engineering Services
McAllen International Airport Runway 14-32 & Taxiway A Safety Improvements
Pape-Dawson coordinated closely with local drainage and irrigation districts, city engineering department, and airport staff to develop a multi-year phasing plan to match anticipated funding while minimizing impacts to airport operations for this improvement project.
Tyler Pounds Regional Airport Runway 4-22 Improvements
Pape-Dawson was contracted to reconstruct a 7,800’ runway and relocate the instrument landing system (ILS).