University of Oklahoma Max Westheimer Airport Master Plan Update

We provided services for this Airport Master Plan Update to facilitate improvement projects needed to support increased traffic. Responsibilities included analysis and feasibility of extending the primary runway, evaluation of locations for a new Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT), and identification of available sites for landside facilities.

Our team analyzed existing ATCT and FAA traffic records to identify critical aircraft and determine ideal runway length requirements. Our research also included analysis of game day traffic at various SEC schools and potential correlation the airport could expect in the future based on that data. Recommended options were presented in a pros and cons matrix for selection. The ATCT siting study evaluated a total of three sites with the final recommended site determined by the FAA’s Airway Facilities Tower Integration Laboratory (AFTIL).

University of Oklahoma Airport Master Plan Update 1
University of Oklahoma Airport Master Plan Update 2
University of Oklahoma Airport Master Plan Update 3
University of Oklahoma Airport Master Plan Update 4

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