Our environmental team takes great pride in preserving, protecting, and improving the natural resources of communities. From water quality studies and vegetative analyses, to permitting and environmental construction services, Pape-Dawson is committed to compliance and sustainability.
Highlighted Projects
Brushy Creek Regional Trail
Pape-Dawson’s environmental services included performing a constraints review of trail and boardwalk/pedestrian bridge designs and construction easement acquisitions.
Golden-Cheeked Warbler Habitat Assessment
Pape-Dawson collected vegetation data on City of San Antonio-owned property to create a model for determining the presence of suitable golden-cheeked warbler habitat and to assist in developing conservation easements.
SH 211
Pape-Dawson managed the production of an environmental assessment for a new two-lane, 7.6-mile TxDOT roadway through an existing neighborhood and critical habitat for threatened/endangered species.
Stevens Ranch Habitat Conservation Plan
Pape-Dawson was responsible for environmental permitting and Phase I and II environmental site assessments to protect natural habitats present on this 2,097-acre mixed-use development site.
Vista Ridge Regional Water Supply Project
Pape-Dawson managed environmental services supporting construction of the record-breaking 142-mile Vista Ridge Regional Water Supply Project.