Pape-Dawson managed environmental services supporting construction of the record-breaking 142-mile Vista Ridge Regional Water Supply Project. The project traverses 572 individual parcels, moving 50,000 acre-feet of water per year through Burleson, Lee, Bastrop, Caldwell, Guadalupe, Comal and Bexar Counties, sustained by 18 wells in two aquifers and three pump stations. We conducted field surveys of potential endangered species habitat and Waters of the U.S. along the length of the proposed alignment and managed cultural resources investigations on 451 individual parcels. A Pre-Construction Notice was submitted to USACE and included a formal Section 7 consultation and Section 10 permit coverage with the USFWS for impacts to Houston Toads, Golden-cheeked warbler and federally listed karst invertebrates, as well as Section 106 coordination with the Texas Historical Commission.