Ray Ellison Boulevard

As part of San Antonio’s 2012-2017 Bond Program, Pape-Dawson prepared the PS&E to update a 2-mile stretch of Ray Ellison Boulevard in a densely populated area. There is no other design like Ray Ellison Boulevard in the City of San Antonio, as innovative engineering transformed this highly congested area into a safe, sustainable, and walkable Complete Street corridor. Design features include easy access to transit stops, including sidewalks and a bicycle facility. The project’s unique LID design has improved water quality (through the use of 5-acre bioswales), reduced flooding (through the use of weed barriers and a lateral hydraulic restriction barrier), and created an educational opportunity for the three adjoining elementary schools.

Ray Ellison Boulevard 1
Ray Ellison Boulevard 2
Ray Ellison Boulevard 3
Ray Ellison Boulevard 4

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