Pape-Dawson completed a corridor study of 4.5 miles of Bandera Road (SH 16), including the intersection of Bandera Road and West Loop 1604 North, which TxDOT documented as the site of 92 collisions in 2017.
Our design for this project aimed to provide better connectivity to the City of Helotes, improve pedestrian crossings, and reduce vehicle collisions.
Our responsibilities included data collection; traffic forecasting; and researching population growth patterns, expected development, and land use to identify potential Superstreet concepts for the corridor.
Pape-Dawson was also instrumental in the public involvement process, managing the development of 3D visualizations for public meetings and responding to feedback. We also prepared a crash analysis to identify safety hot spots and used Surrogate Safety Assessment models to analyze potential crash locations.
Highlighted Innovative Projects
Floyd Curl Green Street
This Green Street project involved the addition of bicycle paths and pedestrian facilities from Louis Pasteur Drive to Huebner Road along Floyd Curl.
Ray Ellison Boulevard
There is no other design like Ray Ellison Boulevard in the City of San Antonio, as innovative engineering transformed this highly congested area into a safe, sustainable, and walkable Complete Street corridor.
US 281 North Superstreet
As the first of its kind in Texas, the Superstreet removes left-turn and through traffic from side streets and moves those vehicles downstream to turnarounds.