Pape-Dawson completed the design of a Green Street that included addition of a 2.3-mile, off-street, two-way cycle track; sidewalks; and landscaping along Floyd Curl Drive from Louis Pasteur Drive to Huebner Road. Services included survey, design, environmental permitting (TxDOT process), ROW acquisition documents, and construction services for the bike path. The project was funded through AAMPO with an Advance Funding Agreement, and therefore required adherence to TxDOT local government project procedures for design and construction.
Our environmental team conducted environmental studies and prepared the Categorical Exclusion NEPA documentation for TxDOT San Antonio District environmental approval. Of the four culverts requiring extension to accommodate the improvements, two were located within jurisdictional waters, resulting in a Nationwide Permit for Linear Projects (NWP 14) requirement. Cultural resources investigations were performed, as well as karst terrain feature surveys over Karst Zone 3. Pape-Dawson coordinated and worked with the City of San Antonio, TxDOT, and the Medical Center Board to ensure that property adjacent to the existing ROW was acquired through permanent easements and compliance with federal grant requirements.