Pape-Dawson developed the PS&E to widen 4.5 miles of Bulverde Road in San Antonio, from Marshall Road to Loop 1604, from two lanes to five or six lanes with a center turn lane. Bulverde Road is located in a growing, high density area where developments were being designed and constructed at the same time as the roadway. Coordination with the new NEISD high school, multiple utilities, and single-family and strip center developers was critical to efficiently and effectively design driveways, signals, grading, and utilities along the road. Road widening was constructed in three phases, all while coordinating temporary widenings with Bexar County, San Antonio, TxDOT, and property owners to ensure traffic movement at all times. Traffic control considered new SAWS water and sewer utilities, as well as roadway construction.
Additional responsibilities included multiple environmental studies and compliance with a water pollution abatement plan (since the project was located over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone), as well as traffic and warrant studies. The expedited project met ADA and AASHTO requirements, and included extensive public involvement.