Since 2004, Pape-Dawson has managed several teams in production of civil design plans for infrastructure and land development projects within this 3,184-acre Alamo Ranch master plan in northwest Bexar County.
We coordinated the initial master development plan (MDP) for residential, multi-family, and commercial subdivisions, which was approved by the City of San Antonio, TxDOT, and other oversight agencies. We also prepared a stormwater management plan, floodplain analysis, and utility service agreement, and coordinated a traffic impact analysis. A tree stand delineation plan was approved by the City and continues to be used by City staff as an outstanding example of tree ordinance compliance.
Since approval of the MDP, Pape-Dawson has designed, obtained approval, and managed construction of arterial streets and utilities to serve the development, including many over-sized mains requiring participation in a public bidding process.